For a mileage convertor (for example, miles per gallon to liters per 100 kilometers) click here.

Solving for: or or




This calculator can solve for distance, the volume of gasoline used or the car’s mileage.
You can input a great many different measurements: miles, kilometers, US gallons, liters, etc.
When using this calculator, always choose what you are solving for first.
Next, from the distance, volume and mileage rows, select the units you will be inputting.
Enter the numbers and then click calculate.


1) You are thinking of buying a new car, which gets 21 miles per gallon. The gas tank capacity is 17.5 US gallons. What distance can you travel with one tank of gas and how much would this cost if gasoline is $2.17 per gallon?
First click on what you are solving. If you have just loaded the calculator and have not clicked on anything, the default settings are “DISTANCE“, “US gallons” and “miles per US Gallons” which are what you need for this problem.
Enter the appropriate numbers and your answer is $37.98 for traveling 367.5 miles.

2) You are planning a trip which will be for 540 miles and your car gets 19 miles per gallon. If gasoline is $2.50 per gallon, how much gasoline is required and what will be the cost?
First click on what you are solving. So, click on “VOLUME“, enter the 2 numbers in the appropriate boxes and your answer will be 28.42 US Gallons and it will cost $71.05.

3) If you want to calculate the mileage of your car (and it is wise to do so), fill your gas tank all the way to the top and record the mileage on the car’s odometer. On your next fill-up, remember to fill the gas tank all the way to the top and this time record how many gallons it took and record your car’s odometer reading. Subtract the first odometer reading from the second reading and this will be the distance traveled.
Now for using the calculator:
First click on what you are solving. In this case, you will be calculating MILEAGE.
Let’s suppose the distance traveled was 266.7 miles and the volume of gas used was 12.7 US gallons. If you input these numbers into the calculator, the answer will be 21 miles per US Gallon.
If you remember the price of the gas per gallon (let’s say $2.50 per gallon) after you input the price, you can read the cost, which is $31.75.