When an adjective describes a noun but that adjective is derived from a different root than the noun, it is known as a collateral adjective.

For example, canine is the collateral adjective for dog.

It is helpful to familiarize yourself with collateral adjectives because they have a scientific, scholarly, intellectual appeal that can make an article you are writing sound much more impressive.

For example, which sounds better to you?

Hunting and tracking are useful doggy capabiliities or Hunting and tracking are useful canine capabiliities?

A *** A *** A
abdomen ventral
abdominal cavity celiac
actor, acting histrionic, thespian
adjective epithetic
aesthetic pleasure sensuous
aging geriatric
agriculture geoponic
air pneumatic
alphabet abecedarian
amber succinic
animal zoological
ankle bone astragalar
ant formic, myrmecological
anteater myrmecophagine
antimony stibial
ape (or monkey) simian
Aphrodite cytherean
apple malic
aristocratic genteel
Aristotle peripatetic
arm brachial
armadillo dasypine
armpit axillary
arrangement (order) tactical
arrow sagittal
ash cinerary
ass (animal) asinine
author auctorial
B *** B *** B
baby infantile
back (lower part) dorsal
back of head occipital
badger meline
barber tonsorial
bat (animal) chiropteran, vespertilionine
bathroom lavatorial, lavatory
baths, bathing balneal
bear ursine
beaver castorine
bee apian
beeswax cerotic
beginning initial
bell tintinnabulary
bile cholic
bird avian, ornithic
bird of prey raptorial
birth natal, parturient
birthday genethliac
bishop episcopal
Black Sea euxine
bladder cystic, vesical
blood hemal, hematic, hemic, hematal, sanguineous
blood vessels vascular
bodily motion gestic
body corporal, corporeal, somatic, carnal
bone osseous, osteal, osteoid
book bibliographic
boxing pugilistic, fistic
brain cerebral, cerebric, encephalic
branch ramal, ramiform
branched bifurcated
branching patterns ramiferous, cladistic
bread panary
breast mammary, mammilary
breastbone sternal
bridge pontine
brother fraternal
bud blastous
buffalo bubaline
building edificial
bull taurine
business commercial
butter butyric
butterfly papilionaceous, lepidopterous
buttock gluteal
buzzard buteonine
C *** C *** C
camel cameline
car automotive
cat feline
cattle bovine
chalk cretaceous, calcareous
cheese caseous
chest thoracic, pectoral
chicken galline
child juvenile, puerile
chin genian
China Sinitic
china (tableware) ceramic
church ecclesiastical
citizen civic
city urban, civic, metropolitan
clock horological
clothing sartorial
coin (medal) numismatic
comb ctenoid, pectinate
cooking culinary
copper cupric, cuprous
countryside rural, rustic, bucolic, agrestic
courts forensic, juridical
cow bovine
crab cancrine
cross cruciate, cruciform
crossword cruciverbal
crow corvine
D *** D *** D
dance terpsichorean
daughter (or son) filial
dawn auroral
day diurnal
dean decanal
deer cervine
desert xeric
devil diabolic/diabolical, satanic
dog canine
dolphin delphine
donkey asinine
dove columbine
dream oneiric
dusk crepuscular, twilight
E *** E *** E
eagle aquiline
ear aural, otic
east oriental
Easter paschal
education didactic
eight octonary, eighth
elbow joint anconoid
elderly geriatric, gerontic
elephant proboscine
end final, terminal
equinox equinoctial
evening nocturnal, vespertine
eye optic, ocular, ophthalmic
eyelid palpebral
F *** F *** F
fall autumnal
fat adipic, sebaceous, corpulent
father paternal, agnate
finch, (& other small birds) fringilline
finger (or toe) digital
fir abietic
fire igneous (refers to volcanic rock)
fish piscatorial, piscine, ichthyic
five quinary, fifth
flesh carnal
flood diluvial, diluvian, clysmian
fog brumous
foot (body part) pedal
forest sylvan
forestry arboricultural, silvicultural
forked bifurcated
four quaternary
fox vulpine
France (or French) Gallic
frog ranine, batrachian (also applies to toads)
G *** G *** G
garden horticultural
gemstone lapidary
ghost spectral
giraffe giraffine
Glasgow Glaswegian
glass vitreous
goat caprine, hircine
god divine
gold auric
goose anserine
governor gubernatorial
grass gramineous
Greece (or Greek) Hellenic
guardian tutelary
gums (dental) gingival
H *** H *** H
hair pilar
Halifax Haligonian
hamster cricetine
hand manual
hare / rabbits / pikas leporine, lagomorphic
hawk butine
hearing auditory, aural
heart cardiac
heat thermal, caloric
heather ericaceous
hip joint sciatic
hippopotamus hippopotamine
hog suilline
home domestic
horse equine
hyena hyenine
I *** I *** I
ice glacial
Ireland Hibernian
iron ferric, ferrous
island insular
J *** J *** J
jail carceral
jaw maxillary, gnathic
Jupiter jovian
K *** K *** K
kangaroo macropidine
kidney renal, nephritic, nephric
king regal, royal
L *** L *** L
lake lacustrine
law legal
lead (metal) plumbeous
Leeds Leodensian
left sinistral
leg crural
leg bone fibular, tibial
letter (missive) epistolary
life vital
light (physics) photic, optic, optical, luminous
lion leonine
lip labial
liver hepatic
lizard saurian
lobster homarine
love amatory, amorous
lung pulmonary
M *** M *** M
machine mechanical
man anthropic, masculine, virile
marble marmoreal
marriage nuptial, conjugal, connubial, hymeneal, matrimonial
mating nuptial
meal prandial
meaning semantic
mercurial hermetic
milk lactic
mind mental
mirror specular
mist brumous
Monaco Monégasque
money pecuniary, financial
monkey (ape) simian
moon lunar
morning matinal, matutinal
mosquito aedine
moth (butterfly) lepidopterous
mother maternal
mouse murine
mouth oral
N *** N *** N
nail / claw / hoof ungual
name nominal
neck cervical
nephew nepotal
nerve neural
Netherlands Dutch
night nocturnal
nine nonary, ninth
north boreal
nose nasal, rhinal
noun nominal
O *** O *** O
ocean thalassic
octopus octopine
oil oleic
one primary, first
owl strigine
P *** P *** P
parish parochial
parrot psittacine
peacock pavonine
pearl margaric
penis phallic
people demotic
pig porcine
plant botanical
possum didelphine
pottery fictile
porcupine hystricine
porpoise phocaenine
python pythonine
Q *** Q *** Q *** Q
queen reginal, royal
R *** R *** R *** R
rabbits / hares / pikas lagomorphic
raccoon procyonine
rain pluvial
religion theological
rib costal
right dextral
river fluvial
river bank riparian
rodent glirine
S *** S *** S
San Marino Sammarinese
sailor nautical
sarcasm sardonic
Saturn saturnine
Scotland Caledonian
sea maritime, marine, pelagic
seagull larine
seahorse hippocampine
seal otarine, phocine
seven septenary, seventh
sheep ovine
shepherd pastoral
ship nautical, marine, naval
shore littoral
shrew soricine
sight visual
sign semiotic
sister sororal
six senary, sixth
skin dermal
skunk mephitine
skull cranial
sky celestial
sleep hypnoid
slug (mollusk) limacine
smell olfactory
snake serpentine
snakelike anguine
snow niveous, nival
son (or daughter) filial
sound sonic, acoustic
south austral
Spain Hispanic, Spanish
sparrow (& perching birds) passerine
speech verbal
spider arachnoid
spring (season) vernal
squirrel sciurine
stamp (postal) philatelic
star stellar, sidereal, astral
starch farinaceous, amyloid
stomach gastric
sulphur thionic
summer estival
sun solar
surface superficial
swan cygnine
Switzerland Helvetian, Helvetic
symbol semiotic
T *** T *** T
table mensal (especially dining table)
tail caudal
tailor sartorial
taste gustatory
teacher pedagogical
ten decimal, denary, tenth
three ternary, tertiary, third
threshold liminal
throat pharyngeal
thunder fulmineous
tiger tigrine
time temporal
tin stannic, stannous
toad (frog) batrachian
toe (or finger) digital
tongue lingual
tooth dental
tortoise geochine
touch tactile, haptic
town urban
turtle chelonian, terrapine
tree arboreal, dendroid
truth veracious
twilight crepuscular
two dual, binary, second
U *** U *** U
uncle avuncular
underworld chthonic, infernal
V *** V *** V
Venus Cytherean
vinegar acetic
vulture aegypine
W ***W ***W
walk pedestrian, ambulant
wasp vespine
water aqueous
wax cerotic (specifically, beeswax)
weasel musteline
weather meteorological
week hebdomadal
west occidental
whale cetaceous
wife uxorial
wind eolian (less commonly aeolian)
window fenestral
wine vinic
wing alar
winter brumal, hibernal, hiemal,
wire funicular
wolf lupine
wood (forest, trees) sylvan
woodpecker picine
woman feminine
word lexical
worm lumbricine
wrist carpal
Y *** Y *** Y
yak bosine
year annual
Z *** Z *** Z
zebra zebroid, zebrine, hippotigrine
zero zeroth