Input MUST have the format: AX4 + BX3 + CX2 + DX + E = 0
EXAMPLE: The quartic equation: 3X4 + 6X3 – 123X2 – 126X + 1,080 = 0
would be input: A= 3 B= 6 C= -123 D= -126 E= 1080
Click E N T E R and your answers should be 5 3 -4 and -6
1) Do NOT enter commas.
2) Make sure that you have entered a number in ALL boxes (A, B, C, D and E).
3) If you are entering an equation with a ‘missing’ term (for example, no X3 term, then enter it as zero. (Do NOT leave the field blank).
4) If an equation has a term with no coefficient, enter it as 1 (and not 0 or blank). For example, the equation X4 + 6X3 + 10X2 + X = 0 would be entered as:
However, if you think it may have calculated an incorrect answer, please send us an E-Mail.
And remember – you should always check your answers. Thank you.
Remember, doing this by hand is VERY laborious, time-consuming and the possibility for making errors is HUGE.