The wheel and axle is one simple machine and not two.
Examples of the wheel and axle are:
screwdrivers, the windlass, gears, doorknobs,
winches, spinning wheels, etc
The wheel and axle is a simple machine consisting of two circular objects with different diameters, attached at their centers and working together
In a way, this can be thought of a second class lever, in which the effort is applied to the wheel’s circumference, the load is affixed to the axle and the fulcrum is the center of the axle.
The mechanical advantage is the wheel’s radius divided by the axle’s radius.
When in use, the input force can be applied to the wheel:
screwdriver; doorknob
or applied to the axle:
ferris wheel; bicycle
A water well with a hand crank that is used to lower and raise a bucket is an excellent example of a wheel and axle (and also a second class lever).
The crank would be considered the “wheel” and the wooden cylinder is the axle.